
World Standards Quality

World Standards enforced by company to ensure quality

Administrative Standards

Productivity increase
Reducing wastage of costs
Belief that quality is a global system and is one of the features of the modern era
Developing the leadership and management capabilities of future leaders, and developing their skills
Optimum use of human and material resources
Optimum use of human and material resources
Comprehensiveness of the quality system for all areas
Developing the leadership and management capabilities of future leaders, and developing their skills

Standards of Customers Satisfaction

Achieving a high degree of satisfaction with the company’s customers
Knowing that the customer is the most important axis, and the nucleus of the company’s efforts
Studying changes that may occur in customers’ tastes and needs
Establishing an information system aimed at knowing the extent of customer satisfaction with the company’s work

Standard of Work Environment and Mission

It is the extent to which the rules and procedures are respected at work
Preparing the psychological aspect of the entire company’s staff
To understand and accept the concepts of total quality management, and the extent of the staff’s interest in internal customer satisfaction

Measures of Performance, Productivity & Quality

The existence of a system that possesses accurate statistical methods; To finally determine the level of success in productivity and quality

Effective Human Resourcing

This is through activating the appointment, selection, and performance appraisal system, and integrating all human resources into one team; To improve the performance of the organization

Continuous Training & Development

This is through activating the appointment, selection, and performance appraisal system, and integrating all human resources into one team; To improve the performance of the organization

Adopting Suitable Leadership

This is done by following the teamwork pattern, and organized work among all team members.
Establishing an information system: It is represented by the existence of an information system that aims to continuously monitor all operations within the company, provide the necessary information, and analyze it.
Since the company follows these procedures in all areas of work, the company has obtained the ISO certificate, and the company is always striving for the better to achieve further improvement in productivity and quality and to achieve customer satisfaction.

Our Pillars

Success Core


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Human Resources

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean non ante id quam luctus luctus. Mauris dignissim eleifend ex vel accumsan. Vestibulum commodo lorem non justo interdum, sed ornare diam volutpat. Maecenas elementum odio turpis, nec tempus magna condimentum ut.

Our Branches

4 Branches